Wisconsin History Day By Day

Related Web Sites:
The Black Hawk War of 1832

Black Hawk War (Wikipedia)

Black Hawk and the War of 1832

The Battle of "Bloody Lake" 1832

Read More About It

"Black Hawk's War" by Clide Hollman

"Black Hawk's Route Through Wisconsin" by William Hagan

"Blackpowder on the Pecatonica: the Story of Bloody Lake" by Thomas Osterday

"The Story of the Black Hawk War" by Jim Hargrove



Interesting Fact:

The battle at Horseshoe Bend involved only 13 Native Americans, all of whom were killed by the militia.

Study Questions:

  • What military experience did Dodge have before 1832?
  • On a map, locate Horeshoe Bend on the Pecatonica River.
  • How many battles took place in Wisconsin during the Black Hawk War?

    U.S. historical events that occurred on June 16:

    1858: Abraham Lincoln gave a speech regarding slavery, declaring, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

  • June 16

    June 16, 1832: Henry Dodge led his men in a battle during the Black Hawk War. The battle took place on the Horseshoe Bend of the Pecatonica River in Lafayette County. Dodge's courage and tireless efforts were remembered four years later when President Andrew Jackson named him the first governor of the Wisconsin Territory.

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